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9.  LED »R¥x·nÀY¹q¸£¿O
10. ¹q¸Ü«ÈªALINE«t¸ßªA°È

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Logo  projection could transmit high-powered images. The light was made by the aluminum. The shaped is beautiful because it is made as fission in style. You could change the anxious and focus in function. Of course, it is easy to operate and do adjustment in a large- angle  . 

 We do a specially design on the optics lens which could ensure the high-powered rays run through the lens and give a excellence definition on image. The life-span bulb (65W) ~150Wcould work at 110V~100V〜220V in voltage.

We could provide three kinds logo image gobo in material for different choice: Optics, glass and metal. Logo projection is our Third-upgrade edition based on Logo projection, we do an especially power and lamp-house which boost the lightness three times   .

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